30 novembre 2011


La Libre Essentielle

December, 2007


In a deprived region of Senegal, he provides work for three hundred families. Entrepreuneur, or rather spiritual guide, Serigne Babacar Mbow, president of the NGO Ndem, with his wife multiplies the efforts and initiatives to educate children, train adolescents, valorise craftsmanship, diversify vegetable production, and promote energy efficiency.

To read the whole article (French version only), click here 


BBC World Services Africa

21 June, 2006

Rose Skelton and Xavier Kreiss

Ndem: A village in Senegal takes control of its destiny

The disappearance of rural areas may seem irreversible, but in some parts of Africa, communities are taking control
of their destiny and reversing the trend … In the village of Ndem, Senegal, 120 km from Dakar, villagers have established a local craft industry. Today, they export fashionable clothing all around the world.

To read the whole article (French version only), click here